Certain values we follow
We like to treat other people the way we would hope to be treated. Every small choice and tiny matter is an opportunity to practice virtue.
There is no point to overpromise and underdeliver. Our focus is on client’s satification and giving more. We don’t stop until the client is 100% happy.
Truth can hurt. Love can be tough. They help to grow and develop. We try to speak up with love and do the right thing when the situation calls for it.
“It’s important to define something your customer wants. When you define something your customer wants, the customer is invited to alter their story in your direction.” This is actually from a really great book by Donald Miller.
We aim to create with brilliance. Every once in a while there are fuck-ups and mistakes and then we say fuck. We embrace the mistakes with respect as they are the most valuable teachers. That’s the way to brilliance, love and dedication included of course.
There’s a saying – be the change you seek. We seek projects that influence world in a positive way. So no tobacco, alcohol or #!##*# who counsciously set the world on fire.
Project Manager / Producer / Animator
Franz is a animator, filmmaker and creative producer from Estonia. Focused on thought-provoking ideas, details and the deadlines. A creative problem solver at his core. Constantly learning and looking for unique stories to tell. Currently working as Motion Graphics Animator, Producer and DP in commercial and documentary projects while developing his skills as a Cinematographer. He is also mentoring people about Lifestyle Design & Spirituality. His passion is for eye catching content, best practices and balance between playful yet thought-provoking media. Striving to present powerful stories with elegant imagery.
From time to time we come across projects that are way out of our comfort zone and then we partner up with other creative professionals. Each one of them has great mindsets, heartsets and soulsets! Here are some honorable partners.
Web Genius
Andero has it all. Besides being Franz’s brother, he’s a genius in all things related to Web. Be it AI, Crypto, Automations, Website building, Marketing – he’s got you covered!
Designer / e-Commerce Master
Lauri walks his talk. Besides he has been rewarded with several awards, he’s got an eye of an eagle and next-level commitment. He delivers and he mostly delivers more than he promises!
Areal photos / Virtual tours / CRO
Arvo knows his stuff. He has a superhero ability to see what works and what not. Besides that he’s a superb Areal photographer and knows how to fly drones and capture life!
Armin knows how to touch people with beautiful audiovisual masterpieces and he does it in a deep and profound way. He’s fun to work with, emits humbleness and creates his art thoughtfully.
Andres has strong will and courage to craft productions that speak to the audience and bring people together. On top of that he’s a mastermind with technically sharp toolset and keen eye for beauty and professionalism.
We are striving to create a better experience by designing, building, and telling a captivating story. Every brand has its own unique magic. Let’s bring that to life and create something great together while surfing the wave of Motion 🏄♂️
If Photography is The Truth, then Cinematography is The Truth 24 times per second. Imagine what you can achieve with a moving picture. Getting your audience excited about your new product series, communicating your company culture or opening a real discussion about a social cause – all of this can be achieved with a short and inspiring video. We are here for you from research and concept to the finish line.
When it comes to motion design, look no further because you find pure gold and passion here. Everything from pre-production to post production. May it be animating your business logo and brand elements or creating meaningful explainer videos, next level presentations, 2D/3D visualizations or slideshows. We can help you deliver the visuals with engaging storytelling and passion.